
Store for MongoPortable (

Kind: global class
Since: 0.0.1

new FileSystemStore([options])


Param Type Default Description
[options] Object Additional options
[options.ddbb_path] Boolean "db" The name of the directory where the database will be located
[options.sync] Boolean true Set it false to make all the file access asynchronous. (Currently only sync=true is supported)
[options.collection_extension] Boolean "json" The extension of the collection files. (Currently only "json" is supported)

fileSystemStore.getCollectionPath(ddbb_name, coll_name) ⇒ String

Get the path of the collection file

Kind: instance method of FileSystemStore
Returns: String - - The path of the file

Param Type Description
ddbb_name String Name of the database
coll_name String Name of the collection

FileSystemStore~createCollection(event) ⇒ boolean | Promise.<boolean>

Receives a "createCollection" event from MongoPortable, syncronizing the collection file with the new info

Kind: inner method of FileSystemStore
Returns: boolean | Promise.<boolean> - - True if the collection was created

Param Type Description
event Object Information of the event
event.connection Object Information about the current database connection
event.collection Object Information about the collection created

FileSystemStore~insert(event) ⇒ boolean | Promise.<boolean>

Receives a "insert" event from MongoPortable, syncronizing the collection file with the new info

Kind: inner method of FileSystemStore
Returns: boolean | Promise.<boolean> - - True if the collection was inserted

Param Type Description
event Object Arguments from the event
event.collection Object Information about the collection
event.doc Object Information about the document inserted

FileSystemStore~find(event) ⇒ Object | Promise.<Object>

Receives a "find" event from MongoPortable, fetching the info of the collection file

Kind: inner method of FileSystemStore
Returns: Object | Promise.<Object> - - An object with the document and indexes

Param Type Description
event Object Arguments from the event


Name Type Description
event.collection Object Information about the collection
event.selector Object The selection of the query
event.fields Object The fields showed in the query

FileSystemStore~findOne(event) ⇒ Object | Promise.<Object>

Receives a "findOne" event from MongoPortable, fetching the info of the collection file

Kind: inner method of FileSystemStore
Returns: Object | Promise.<Object> - - An object with the document and indexes

Param Type Description
event Object Arguments from the event


Name Type Description
event.collection Object Information about the collection
event.selector Object The selection of the query
event.fields Object The fields showed in the query

FileSystemStore~update(event) ⇒ boolean | Promise.<boolean>

Receives an "update" event from MongoPortable, syncronizing the collection file with the new info

Kind: inner method of FileSystemStore
Returns: boolean | Promise.<boolean> - - True if the documents were updated

Param Type Description
event Object Arguments from the event


Name Type Description
event.collection Object Information about the collection
event.selector Object The selection of the query
event.modifier Object The modifier used in the query Object The updated/inserted documents information

FileSystemStore~remove(event) ⇒ boolean | Promise.<boolean>

Receives an "remove" event from MongoPortable, syncronizing the collection file with the new info

Kind: inner method of FileSystemStore
Returns: boolean | Promise.<boolean> - - True if the documents were removed

Param Type Description
event Object Arguments from the event


Name Type Description
event.collection Object Information about the collection
event.selector Object The selection of the query Object The deleted documents information